The Afri-Transformers

Connecting people, ideas, resources, & experiences to Transform Africa through

How we can help you

Our Africa’s diaspora will change the dynamics! Follow our Blogs, Podcast and so nuch More…

Cyber security

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Cloud computing

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Data privacy

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Digital Marketing

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Natural resources

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Meet Our Leadership

We are driven by an unbreakable love for Africa, an unwavering belief in its people, and a relentless commitment to creating lasting change. It won’t be easy—oh no, my friends, it’ll require blood, sweat, and maybe even a few tears. But I’m ready to walk this path hand in hand with all the passionate souls out there, because together, we’re an unstoppable force. Together, we’ll transform Africa and unlock its boundless, awe-inspiring potential. Are you ready to join me? Let’s do this!

Ngalim Bernard


But here’s the real deal, my friends—my “why” is all about seeing Africa rise like a phoenix from the ashes. I believe in the unlimited potential of this magnificent continent, and I won’t rest until every child has access to quality education, every entrepreneur has the tools to rock the business world, and every community thrives like never before.

I’m dreaming big, folks. I’m talking modern schools that are connected to the internet, where young minds can dive headfirst into the world of Information Technology from the very beginning. Imagine a generation of digital wizards, equipped with the skills they need to conquer the digital landscape, shape their own destinies, and create a future that’s as bright as a million African stars.

Lami Godlove

Director OPS

My “why” is driven by an unbreakable love for Africa, an unwavering belief in its people, and a relentless commitment to creating lasting change. It won’t be easy—oh no, my friends, it’ll require blood, sweat, and maybe even a few tears.

But I’m ready to walk this path hand in hand with all the passionate souls out there, because together, we’re an unstoppable force. Together, we’ll transform Africa and unlock its boundless, awe-inspiring potential. Are you ready to join me? Let’s do this!

Would you like to be on our next Afr-Transformers inspiring podcast episode or blog?

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